Sunday, January 31, 2010

excitement: 0

i have abandoned you a bit lately.
not much going on with me,
studying and thinking about my next project, which is going to drive me crazy. if i manage to finish it in time.
but im having a problem lately
im in a real passive mood, i cant get passionate or excited about anything. and im not only talking about things i have to do like studying and so on,
but even things i love are difficult to get into lately. drawing, reading, writing, filming, nothing, music, anything i cant seem to get excited about anything.
i hope this mood passes soon, cause well, im going to be very busy soon and i need to want to do things for them to get done well and in time.
thats about it.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

the 13th of January 2010


The Firsts:

First Skype chat and call happy birthday: Christabel Zammit
First Facebook Happy birthday: Sarah Giusti
First SMS Happy birthday: Christabel Zammit
First MSN Happy birthday: Steve Diacono
First Twitter Happy Birthday: Edward Brooks
First face to face Happy birthday: Vanessa Callus
First mobile call Happy birthday: Maria Mifsud
First present given: Kai DeBono
First person to write 'yadhtrib yppah': Elton Grech
First happy birthday from abroad: Sharon Falzon
First person to "sing" 'Happy Birthday': Anna Callus
First birthday card: Dr. John
First birthday email: Malcolm Bonello

Other statistics:

100 facebook birthday messages received and answered.
29 birthday sms received
4 birthday songs sung
3 birthday phone calls
2 birthday letters
1 birthday card
1 birthday dry hump (Matthew, so it's allowed)

Special Mentions:

Kai: epic poster.
Christabel: she started my day of with a smile
Fr. Mike, Veve: panetone with candle
Matt: the rape and the missing lectures
Vanessa: ^^
Tine, Jes: the company that kept me smiling
Mother: her 'singing'
Joe Maggi: his singing
Steph DeBono: her story
Luca: bubbles
Joni: "i thought it was here"
Mike: Mc. D
The day:

I like my birthday, many people tend to not like the day reminding them of their birth, or find it no reason to celebrate, but I personally feel it's my day, the only day where it is in fact about me.
today was a normal Wednesday (interesting fact: i was born on the 13th of January 1988 which was a Wednesday, and today, for the first time in 22 years, the 13th of January is a Wednesday) i did not go out with friends to celebrate or have a special meal.
i spent it like i would spend any wednesday.
the only difference was the people telling me Happy birthday.
by this i include those who actually went out of their way (missed lectures even) to tell me happy birthday, and from here i want to say thank you to everyone who in some way wanted to wish me a happy day.
god gave me a present too :) besides the blessing of so many friends and people who care for and love me, i asked him for my birthday to be a rainy day, and oh my did he deliver! sorry to those of you who don't like the rain, but, well, like i said above, it IS my day.
well, moving on into my 23rd year of life.
I'm looking forward to it, and pray that God will use me more and more this year.
I'm looking forward to the many creative projects i will take on.
I'm looking forward to the people I will meet.
I'm looking forward to the challenges and obstacles I will defeat.
I'm looking forward to learning so many new things.
I'm looking forward.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

last bow

damn damn damn:
23:51 on january the 12th

my birthday begins in 9...8 minutes

just wanted to say a big thank you to all those who helped me grow spiritually and emotionally throughout this 21st year of my life.

i grew physically as well but can't really thank anyone for that

7 minutes

i want to mention so many people who loved me and cared for me and showed it in their own way since this time last year, but i'll end up leaving someone out so i'll refrain from specific names.
but u know who you are and i thank you and love you all.

6 minutes

a special mention to my family: parents and sister who although we have our ups and downs.. well you're the best.

5 minutes... shit shit shit

my brothers and sisters from community and y4j, the ones who know me well enough to know when im in a bad mood, why and how to deal with me, a big hug and thank you for this year too.

4 minutes
everyone who helped me mature enough to study seriously and get me to second year,
here i have to mention Fr. Mike, jes, veve, Martine, brother Karl, mina and everyone at Chaplaincy... sorry if i missed anyone.... time is running out...

2 minutes

last but not least, far from it, i want to thank God for another year with which to grow, closer to Him and others,
another year in which i discovered more of myself and the talents He gave me
another year in which i hope i did His work, and I give Him all the glory.

and with a few seconds to spare
i take a last bow as a 21 year old
