Hey people, Back from outreach...
great great great week...and God worked in wonderful ways...and the place is just brilliant...freezing water, boiling sand, amd the people are magnificent.
Thanks to Tessa and Co. (lol) for their wonderful help and friendship.
I will post photos up onto this post when i get them...funky one of me with monkey :)
Enjoyed community yesterday...it's always nice hearing experiances, and its the first time ever i enjoyed speaking on the mic. "...childish"
Well..it's back to work and back to normallity, keeping in prayer, especially with the Mdina healing service coming up...should be great...
the posters and fliers came out yestewrday, I'm happy with the final result...proset to Matt and Brian.
well...looking forward to a weekend of relaxedness...
eyes drooping at the moment, and still got 5hrs at work...
thats about it for now...until the photos