right so...A WEEK ago...
we had canoeing...however u spell the frikkin sport...
it was fun...
we collected a bit of money for outreach...
got my second sun burn this year...
and me and Matt Azz are make up a perfect team.
it was a full work out day...canoeing...playing "water polo" and finally...carrying those canoes back up that hell hill.
there are quite a few more.... I might post them on face book later.
in other news:
I filmed and edited Ciderhouse's first music video...rather proud of it myslef...although mike and Master Maggi still have to approve it...look out for it on the second program of 4given (wednesday 9th July after the evening news on NET tv)
Last night I heard BJ's went really well...prosett to all those who took part, made it possible and attended...really wish i could come...REALLY WISH i could come...but went to watch Angie's ballet show....and let me tell you...she dances amazingly...it was very difficult not to shout a great big "YEAH!" after her solo.
today just came back from the beack...a nice relaxed syat with Ang at the beach...first time this year she's free from sudies and rehersals...until tomorrow when she starts work. :S
tonight the parents mass thingy....
so i gtg:S
i hope to continue the story soon for all you expectant fans :)
Yey pictures!! hehe thank you for uploading them sim...very much appreciated =)
Yey pictures!! hehe thank you for uploading them sim...very much appreciated =)
Good for people to know.
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