Friday, November 07, 2008


Hey people:)
Well it's been a while...but been rather busy with preparing designs and packing the van and setting up for the weekend, which begins later today :)
looking forward to it.
I'm not gonna post pics of the backdrop yet, as, obviously only the select few have seen it till now, and i dont wanna spoil the surprise for the others.
but I promise to post photos of the whole set up after.
Well yesterday went to set up and had a bit of a discussion about how to do that, but eventually matt and I won, as it was our thingy anyway.
then the Frangiskani having a retreat there invited us for supper with them :), they are a really fun bunch of people. the soup was good.
Tonight, gonna be there early to finalize a few things.
I go to lecture now...*frown*

1 comment:

Rachel said...

*poke* I don't really have a comment, but you had none, and no blog deserves zero comments XD