I'm posting cause it's been a while...no other real reason...
First a big thank you to Matt Azzopardi for organizing yesterdays football match..it was fun...tiring, but fun...
erm other than that it was pretty normal, spending my days at home usually, drawing and colouring bunny for the 9 people who want a t shirt :) woo...
also..i have found a job for the summer...alas its got absolutely nothing to do with animation or design, but its mornigns only and the pay isnt bad, no heavy lifting...and i need the cash...outreach, and next year no stipend..:S The only problem is i lost all my free mornigns this summer, except saturday and sunday...so no full day fun stuff.. :(
ah well....problems problems...
honestly i think thats it....
and cause i want to be a pain...here's a photo of Karla...:) enjoy:
well....that be it
Yeah, i feels you. I apply for job tomorrow too, part time, no idea about pay or hours, but should be good if i gets it.... I think i should start drawing my version of bunny for the guys... watchoo thinks?
well...i suppose....lol...i'll have one if you do...btw..u reminded me...if the guys want t shirts..there is luk which is not girlie at all
simon...u r evil to me simon...y r u evil to me simon??
do u do these things on purpose?
jahasra boy...well i guess its pay bk 4 wat i owe u lol :P muhahaha
gbu and love!
^KaI^ xxx
I want a shirt with bunny. But I want mine with a shoop da whoop and a 'chargin mah lazahr' caption. Possible?
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