Monday, April 30, 2007

Sand, Sun, ACTION!!

Hey people,
Really packed weekend just passed...
Saturday had the filming of the first program and of the mime...a very tiring day of filming, (12hrs) but i think we did a good job...i have photos, I will post later...cause i'm at work and dont got them on me...
(just took my first appointment :) )

Sarah's party in the evening was fun...Happy birthday to her, and i hope she enjoyed it...
Also, one of my printed t shirts became very famous i must say :P

Yesterday...TO THE BEACH!!
first swim of the year 2007...April the was a beautiful dasy and I am now a nice shade of redish brown..the sea was not that cold either, fun ness was had...
rugby on the sand can be painful too :S
...oh...and sorry to Dezz for making her wait so long :)

then a relaxed evening at Marks house for like 7 of us...just wayched a DVD and laughed...none of us had energy to do anything else

well i continue working....

GBU all



lessismore said...
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lessismore said...

This isnt where I parked my car!

Simon said...


Chris said...

Whoo! Can't wait to go swimming myself. No time right now, though :S

Anonymous said...

aw dudu!
hehe yeah i must say dis wkend was brill!
we go cuff cuff again soon and we get a bigger bunch o lads dis time. nps 4 keepin me waitin ur 4given...:P
God bless

Ally said...

Lolll wait till we start the 2007-2008 preseason at Golden Bay - you'll as red and sore as a sandpapered tomatoe O.o - I trained for 1 and a 1/2 months a golden bay and I got more bruises and cuts there than during the actual leagues - pray that St.Aloysuis trainig sessions continue.... PRAY :'(