Thursday, January 22, 2009


Well thats 6 exams down and 3 to go...
It should be going ok till now...
I mean i don't feel i went horribly in any one of them...
tomorrow organizational communication oral, and saturday foundations of theology...and now im scared...
but im gonna work like crazy ion these last few pls pray for me people.

also in other news...
Im getting old.
Yesterday ran a maximum of 200 wasnt more...
three steps in a feel a pain in my knee, five steps later a pain in my hip, and at about 100 meters my back starts to complain...and i was obviously out of breath by the time i got to my destination....
i have begun diteriorating...however you spell it.

im off to study...
my brain cant take much more of this...cant wait for saturday for a bit of a break until tue 27th...when ill be free...

random funnyness:


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