Friday, January 16, 2009

since XXI

Wanted to start with this video...
love what they're doing and the editing


first up....
i am now 21 :)
thanks to all those who msged me and left a message on face book....appreciated every one of them.
It was a surprisingly good birthday considering the fact that every one was busy with exams.
tnx to Karmenu Tine Matt Joni Vanessa Parents Ang and her parents for the pressies :)
and krissie for her cup ckae

Another random fun video:

fun ej?

oh yeah....
A shout out to Ally, who 'subtely' asked for a mention.
no but seriously,
spent a gd 1/2 hr studying with her today and an hour looking at a cat climb a tree...and making fun of a bunch of people who apperently have too little to study to keep quiet (hi Gareth)

and cause Ally never saw free running and wanted to know:

I know most of you have seen this before...but its still fun yes?

A shout out to Martine...who i just happen to be running into a lot.

passed my EFL
started exams already,
finished one:) have 8 left.
finish on the 27th
we'll see....working on them though

another video (on the basis of why not?):
more free fancy stuff though...just getting from one place to another fast....

erm...i dont think i have anythign else to say.
and gbu


1 comment:

Marquita said...

Happy (belated) Birthday Simon and good luck with exams. Glad to hear your b' day turned out to be just fine.