Monday, March 23, 2009

Rolling of Cables

Yes I finally gave in to peer pressure and got myself a slightly more snazzy background. Although i did keep it simple.


Saturday went to a nice intercessiony thingy by the youths of y4j that where in some way helping in the lenten talks starting this evening. It was Achie said I think the fact that everyone there was there because he or she wanted to be and they knew exactly what was going on and why they where there helped a lot...this week should be great, pray for everyone taking part, and invitations to everyone. Jonathan, Tine, Zoe and I are filming, with Kevin's going to be interesting and a learning experience for me working under someone different.

Anyway, Sunday morning, bright and early had the filming of the first two programs for this years 4given. Prosett to Drew and Jesmond who spoke fantastically, I was really impressed...and a BIG BIG WOOT goes to Kirsten who got comfortable with being in front of the camera straight away and did an excellent job already.

In the evening back to the St. Julians Church to set up the camera shits for the Lenten Talk, it was fun to be working with a different group of people. I am in no way saying i don't like working with the people form MaranaTha', guys you know I love you, but to be doing something big with other people is fun and a learning experience...I have noticed one thing...people get better at setting up for big things the more they do it. Like the setting up team at community, and the youths who do the Youthful Worship we got used to organizing ourselves, know where things have to go, and where they are to begin with and we all get our hands dirty to get the job done as quickly as possible...we can set up a church in an our, and dismantle everything in half. I mean it's in us, like at the launch of the y4j new cd, we just picked up cables and started rolling. ^^We made Joe proud ^^.
The people from Y4J still need a bit of learning experience...not offending any one, just stating, and I think the fact that a lot of people who aren't helping still hang around making noise doesn't help...
...but I know they are a very God filled group of people who are determined to do His work and they are doing great things...and Ben is doing a wonderful job in leading a bunch of crazy girls and guys :P

This is longer than expected...

this morning
decided to stay home and work on some design stuff and studying, and tonight we start the Lenten talks...well they start the Lenten Talks and I start filming :)



Sarah said...

We love u guys too.. I be praying for ya all the way!!! God bless cu 2nite! ;)

Matt said...

Yep, we iz the wire shizzle. Looking forward to tonight XD

nessa said...

I want toniiight I want toniighghgt :D XD